What r the existing server jobs in parallalism?
what is repositery?
What are the various kinds of the hash file?
DataStage Scenario based Interview Questions
Can you filter data in hashed file?
I have 100 records how can I load at a time from the single time
Scenario : I have 2 jobs say job A and Job B with parameters x and y respectively. I need to create a sequence job. If we pass parameter x then Job A should run, If we pass parameter y then Job B should run, if we dont pass any parameter then Both Job A & B should run.
client know skid info?
how to validate the jobs
which is more expensive hash or modulus partitioning? when do you use modulus partitioning?
What is diff between Junk dimensions and conform dimension?
if i have two tables table1 table2 1a 1a,b,c,d 1b 2a,b,c,d,e 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e how can i get data as same as in tables?chandu how can i implement scd typ1 and type2 in both server and in parallel?chandu field1 field2 field3 suresh , 10,324 , 355 , 1234 ram , 23,456 , 450 , 456 balu ,40,346,23 , 275, 5678 how to remove the ,inthe fields?
Pls tell me what is troubleshooting in datastage view?