power inverter we are using 2n3773 power transister in that
places we can use any IGBT ?
Can XLPE/SWB/PVC (P3) 7C X 2.5mm2 be replaced by Can XLPE/SWB/PVC (P2) 7C X 2.5mm2??? P3 vs P2
in our all power plant have connected in grid and grid voltage and plant voltage is same, but as per as electrical concept the power will transmit from high potential to low potential but here altough same,then how power transmit from power plant to grid.
in a solar power plant,we are going to step up the voltage 350V to 33kv, and to 132kv GSS. i want to ask that if it is possible that 315v/33kv is not possible because we also use 315v/11kv. or it should be 415v/33kv? is it effects generation or losses? the second question is-generation is depends on LV winding? or LV winding design for generation voltage?
How to calculate cable sizes in sq.mm. with using motor KW? Any formula there?
18 Answers Aswani Properties, BRB Cable, Construction, Hitachi, L&T, Microcool Systems, Nahar, NWPF, Reliance, Renault, Saha Bright Polytech, SGH, TATA, Techno Electric and Engineering, TFIL, Thermax,
I am getting above 60 V as open delta voltage against single phase unit ICT at tertiary delta formed and ICT getting trippped on NDR. ICT tested and found in order. PTs provided on tertiary are tested and in order. what may be the reason?
What are effect of radio system in DCS Distributed control system ?
kindly send me 11KV MV motor differential protection procedure by primary injection method.
how test transfomer(3 phase75kva) by megger
what are the interview question asked in wind mill about electrical
Is it possible to use a S1 duty class motor for crane application (S4)? If not, why?
i have attended the interview on 4th June,08 at Kolkata in IOCL, can anybody tell me what is its result
What happen if we give resistance to the armatuure of a dc motor?a