power inverter we are using 2n3773 power transister in that
places we can use any IGBT ?
Is reverse power relay of generator operate due to voltage variation problem? please clearify.
define B types and C types in MCB ?
how to put cable sizing and cable glands size for respective cable & Cable Lug size in a DB sectors???
what is meant by neutral Ct of a transformer and how it connected in transformer
why the transformer connected like STAR- STAR, DELTA- DELTA, STAR- DELTA, DELTA-STAR ...? why these connections ,,, explain the advantages these connections?
Does the motor power displayed on the Motor name plate is the mechnical power motor delivers or it is consumed power from the system?
what is meaning of bus raiser???
how can we save enegry by using VFD for Resiprocating Air compressor which is having more unloading running hours
List the characteristics of filter?
what is XF 200/240 V AC for Drawout Breaker.
resistance switching is used in case of- ? a. air blast CB b. bulk oil CB c. minimum oil CB d. all types of CB
checking procedure of capacitor based motors.used in fans etc?