SIR,i am applying for the if
you send some previos sample question -answer i will be
higly obliged
What is the difference between edge triggered flip flop and level triggered flip flop?
as i m an electronics engineer,and doing testing course,if interviewer ask me a question that after being an engineer,why u choose testing field,what should i answer?
What are the difference between UPS and VFD
Define the limitations in the operation conditions of a p-n junction.
how snuber circuit protect the thyrister
how to interface hall effect sensor with 8051 microcontroller?
hi,iam mandhamihtlleshreddi,igot admission in rostock ujniversity,germany,ielts score-5.5 bands,iwant to go to germany,plz suggest me what questions are asked in iterview?
2 Answers German Consulate, Sneha, Wipro,
What is capacitor and its function?
What are the dc,ac characteristics of op-amp?
(i)Four friends are given named Akansha, Anuska, Anisha, ... , . Each of them live in a separate home and sleep on one bed. Akansha and Anuska have two extra beds, two of the house have green lawns while the rest have narrow porchs, One of the house has Airconditioner while the rest have fans. And so on.. Based on these informations five questions were asked like What is the total no of beds in all houses? Who lives in the house with green lawn and with AC?
What is the maximum range of a general Radar
What are the applications of ac voltage controllers?