what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?

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what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / vikesh tomar

CUI stands for Character User Interface

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface

CUI-anything where you are allowed to work only with keyboard

GUI-when you are allowed to work with any pointing device
like mouse

CUI-dos is fast compare to windows

GUI- its slow compare to dos

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what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / sumit kr jha

cui works on command if we forgets the we will not be able
to do our work

gui it is an interface between that is an interaction rather
a graphical interraction between the user and the computer

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what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / ashish verma

1= CUI- Command line User Interface
Work done by commands.
anything where you are allowed to work only with
2= GUI- Grafical user interface
work done by user friendly.
when you are allowed to work with any pointing device
like mouse..

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what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / mayank

Re: what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?
# 20 CUI stands for Character User Interface

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface

the GUI is the user interface in which user interact
through the application by making uses of graphics, whereas
in CUI the user has to interact with the application by
making use of the codes

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what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / anmol

cui is commond -line interface
gui is graphcal user inter face

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what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / saphal

gui is based on graphic
cui is bassed ontext

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what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / abdulrehman

GUI is easier than the CUI

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what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / nuraj panthi

CUI: This is a textual interface in which the user give the instruction to the computer by commands.
GUI:It is what most computer most use of.

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what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / cr7

all type on rubbish!
answer are also reapeted

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what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?..

Answer / durva

GUI is much easier to navigate than CUI

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