when U have a remove dublicate option in sort stage, why we
have a remove dublicate stage in PX, thought it is
recamended to sort data before using a remove dublicate
stage. I hae been thinking this from days....

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when U have a remove dublicate option in sort stage, why we have a remove dublicate stage in PX, t..

Answer / prasu

In Duplicate Stages we have more number of optionscompare
to sort while removing duplicates.If you have less number
if data you can go with Sort stage to remove duolicats.If
you have large number of data go for Remove Duplicates

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when U have a remove dublicate option in sort stage, why we have a remove dublicate stage in PX, t..

Answer / phani kumar

Sort stage is used to sort the data and having option of
identifying the duplicate records with the value of Key
change column. But, to perform sort and remove duplicates is
leads to decrease the performance. So, it is preferable for
less amount of data.

Remove duplicates stage is used to get only unique records
either first occurrence or last occurrences. For large
amount of data, sorted data is required for better performance.

Correct me if iam wrong..........

Thanks and regards....
Phani kumar

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when U have a remove dublicate option in sort stage, why we have a remove dublicate stage in PX, t..

Answer / data master

Sort Stage do Sorting of data and performing Remove
Duplicate records, which will slow the performance of job
(Hence it is better to sort data at database level).

If the data is already sorted than use the Remove Duplicate
Stage to remove duplicate records, Which will give better
performance of job than above situation.

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when U have a remove dublicate option in sort stage, why we have a remove dublicate stage in PX, t..

Answer / swati

In Remove Duplicate stage you will get only unique records.

In sort Stage you will get both unique and duplicate records based on key change column.

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