why we multiply 11 in High Electric supply?(eg.11KV, 33Kv,
330Kv etc.)
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I think that It is due to the form factor which is 1.1 .
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Answer / shakeel
i think that generators at generation stations are max:
design for the voltage level 11 kv, beyond this design
matter like insulation matters. that 11 kv is step up 3,11
or more time
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0 Answers Eprosys Engineering Consultants,
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i am confused about generator. i have generator of 380 KVA that is 304 KW by that formula KW=KVA*0.8... then by this formula I=KW/V*1.732*0.8 the amperes are 528.673. so that is the load which i put on one phase of generator or this is total 3 phase load on Generator.......