Can any1 tell me how to do and Integration test design and
test cases for Order Inventory system for use cases. ALso
how is that going to differ from System Testing. The system
is similar to online ordering system and you can
place order by calling customer call center.
Can any body explain How to Install the QC9.0 on XP OS
Given the following code, which is true about the minimum number of test cases required for full statement and branch coverage: Read P Read Q IF P+Q > 100 THEN Print "Large" ENDIF If P > 50 THEN Print "P Large" ENDIF A. 1 test for statement coverage, 3 for branch coverage B. 1 test for statement coverage, 2 for branch coverage C. 1 test for statement coverage, 1 for branch coverage D. 2 tests for statement coverage, 3 for branch coverage E. 2 tests for statement coverage, 2 for branch coverage
Positive and Negative test cases for the speedometer?(minimum 5 each)
What is Unit Testing ? What is Integration Testing ? What is acceptance testing ? What is Static testing? What is System testing? What is Load Testing? What is Smoke Testing? What is Soak Testing? What is Scalability Testing? What is Sanity Testing? What is Ramp Testing? What is Monkey Testing? What is Gray Box Testing? What is Functional Testing? What is Glass Box Testing? What is Dynamic Testing? What is Compatibility Testing? What is Concurrency Testing? What is Component Testing? What is Ad Hoc Testing? What is Agile Testing?
While doing export to Quality Center it always shows Excel file does not respond???? Please suggest as why it is happening??
Explain the component testing?
testcases for waterbottle
Have any idea how to prepare test cases for medical claim, Online mobile recharge.
Explain the format of a requirement traceability
Write a test case on online shopping website? (please tell me the format how to write in MS excel,if u have any sample than attach it.)
hai im finished software testing course im technicaly strong but yet now no opportunities come to me.if any opportunities please send to my mail id my mail di is
How to write test cases or test scripts for UAT testing which is done manually