How do you analyze your test results? What metrics do you
try to provide?
Hi All, Im currently getting to grips with the Document Generator in Test Director and have a query. We use TD to link requirements to test cases and I am attempting to produce a report which lists the requirement and the test case it is linked to. I cant see a way to do this as the test case link info resides on the Coverage page and it appears the only field available to display for requirements reports within document generator as those on the 'details' tab. Any tips?
What is quality center( test director)?
how to use quality center in real time project?
What is the difference between winrunner and test director?
What is the Purpose of Creating Child Requirement
I Could able to export test cases from Excel to QC. But problem is only Step1 only exporting to QC. I have 200+ steps in my excel sheet. If any one knows pelase let know. Please mail me at
where you maintain the test cases for the project in automation Testing using Test director?
How do you analyze your test results? What metrics do you try to provide?
how to create custom macros on a word document to import into Quality Center.
After creating the test cases in excel and exported to td. How does test director know the headings?
Is it necessary to learn test director for beginners?
TD is web based or client/server?