What type of automation frame work you are using?and why?

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What type of automation frame work you are using?and why?..

Answer / donthu hari prasad

What is Frame work?
A frame is a set of scripts, documents, Procedures for
achieving reusability, maintainability, traceability and
portability for test automation.

Frame Work : Frame work is a Generic work designed by an
expert and followed by many people to perfom a particular
task in an effective , efficient and optimized way.

Types of Frame work:-
1. Linear / Sequential Frame work
2. Modular frame work
3. Keyword Driven frame work
4. Hybrid frame work

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What type of automation frame work you are using?and why?..

Answer / ramchandra patil

Hi Senthil,

In framework we define the guidelines for all phases of
automation, it is architecture which makes it easy to
operate to end user who does/does not have technical knowledge.

In our company we are using hybrid framework(Combination of
Data Driven, Keyword driven)

we are using above framework for following reason.

1. its reusable
2. Easy to debug and use
3. We can configure externally(Without touching internal
knowledge or code)
4. Minimum changes require
5. Customized reports
6. minimum dependency on QTP to make changes.
7. Performance is as desired by client.

guys let me know if I am wrong.(pls come with valid answer)



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