what is the purpose of slope in the differential relay?why
we are using two slope?but in busbar differential we are
using only one slope.why?
my name is venkat .i have good percentage in my academics(ssc 86, intermediate 83 b.tech 73) my question 1..after completion of my ssc i joined in bpc but i didnt got rank in emcet so i completed MPC in one year compartmentally ..so here what am expect question from this background?
What is the difference between Dielectric and Insulator
why transformer core is eathed?
Pole of s-plane gives the information about?
can we make a loop between neutral and body for grounding?
What is Lockout Relay and what is use of it in electrical installation
11 kg trivevter meter has rating of -/5amps. And pt ratio11000/110v and is connected with 11kv ct/pt unit of cr ratio 75/5amps. And pt ratio of 11000/110v while checking accuracy of meter with HT Accuchek meter what value of PT ratio and CT ratio to be filled in Accuchek meter
i want to know that how the height of Ct ,cvt ,LA calculated on the basis of creepage distance
what is the Transmission line differential protection and why differential protection also have backup Line Distance Protection ?
why we decide alternating wave form in ac system and not in dc system
what is the power rating of CPU, CRT type moniter, LCD type moniter,scanner Approx.
How does frequency affect KVA rating of a transformer? If a 500 kva, 400 v, 60 hz t/f is to be operated on 50 hz frequency then how will its KVA rating change? a-increase b-decrease c-remains same Also explain why do u think like that.