How many different binary trees and binary search trees can
be made from three nodes that contain the key values 1, 2 & 3?

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How many different binary trees and binary search trees can be made from three nodes that contain t..

Answer / aisha

Binary tree :- 30 as follows

1 1 2 2 3 3
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
2 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
/ / / / \ \ \ \
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
/ / \ \ / / \ \
3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
/ / / / \ \ \ \
1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3
/ / \ \ / / \ \
3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
/ / / / \ \ \ \
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
/ / \ \ / / \ \
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Binary search tree :-5 as follows

1 1 2 3 3
\ \ / \ / /
2 3 1 3 1 2
\ / \ /
3 2 2 1

Is This Answer Correct ?    149 Yes 22 No

How many different binary trees and binary search trees can be made from three nodes that contain t..

Answer / gautham

The Catalan Numbers should give an answer.. The answer is
C(3)= 5.

Is This Answer Correct ?    48 Yes 21 No

How many different binary trees and binary search trees can be made from three nodes that contain t..

Answer / poornakala

for binary search tree, no of trees, (2^n)-n... here 8-3=5
trees... u can draw n see...

for binary tree, no of trees n(2^n)-n here 3*5=15...
replace node in each bst with other two values and see....

Is This Answer Correct ?    72 Yes 48 No

How many different binary trees and binary search trees can be made from three nodes that contain t..

Answer / sreekumar

Nubmerof Nodes| BT Possible | BST Possible|
1 | 1 | 1
2 | 2 | 2
3 | 6 | 5
4 | 24 | 14
. | . | .
| |
| | 2n 1
| | C * ------
n | n! | n (n+1)

n!,2nCn /(n+1)

Is This Answer Correct ?    57 Yes 35 No

How many different binary trees and binary search trees can be made from three nodes that contain t..

Answer / shekhar

(2n C n) / (n+1) is the Number of BST if N is the number of

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 8 No

How many different binary trees and binary search trees can be made from three nodes that contain t..

Answer / vinoth kumar.r

Binary search trees care only about the inorder traversal of
the tree. And specifying inorder traversal of a tree doesnt
mean there is a unique representation of it.
5 Binary search trees are possible

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 9 No

How many different binary trees and binary search trees can be made from three nodes that contain t..

Answer / baljinder

1oth answer is xactly correst ie,BST=5 & BT=30

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

How many different binary trees and binary search trees can be made from three nodes that contain t..

Answer / vipul

number of binary search tree= (2n)!/{n!*(n+1)!}
and number of binary tree=(2n)!/(n+1)!

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

How many different binary trees and binary search trees can be made from three nodes that contain t..

Answer / shweta

for binary tree ans is 5, the general formula is (2^n)-n
for binary search tree no. of tree possible is 3.
as root data can be either 1, 2 or 3

Is This Answer Correct ?    39 Yes 38 No

How many different binary trees and binary search trees can be made from three nodes that contain t..

Answer / babugct

All the above answers are wrong............
please post some correct answer...
as far as my concern,,,
no.of binary trees=n!*(2^(n)-n)
no.of bst's=2^(n)-n...
pls inform if wrong

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 6 No

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