Is there something that we can do in C and not in C++?

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Is there something that we can do in C and not in C++?..

Answer / dangling pointer

try this one
int *x=malloc(10);
it works in c but not in c++ reason is we will have to
explicitly cast in c++ to convert a void* to another type
to work.

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Is there something that we can do in C and not in C++?..

Answer / dheeraj sharma

in c we can assign we can assign void pointer to any type of
pointor varible without typecasting.,but we cant do it in
C++,because C++ does not allow type mismatch.

same case with enum C we can assign integer to enum
member directly,but in C++ we have to typecast integer first
with enum variable.

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Is there something that we can do in C and not in C++?..

Answer / bhushan bastwade

We can have variable names as class,new,operator in C but not in C++ as they are keywords in C++.
For more have a look on this

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Is there something that we can do in C and not in C++?..

Answer / achal ubbott

One important difference between c and c++ is that c
compilers are loosely coupled. So it does not perform type
checking that much strictly and can allow some conversions
which otherwise most c++ compilers would not allow.

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Is there something that we can do in C and not in C++?..

Answer / zarra

C++ will not allow declaration without initialization but C
will allow declaration without initialization.

And C++ and C both will not allow later initialization.

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Is there something that we can do in C and not in C++?..

Answer / guest

Theoratically it is being said that we cannot call main
recursively(main caling main) in c++, but practically it can
be done.

whereas in c, we can call main in main.

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Is there something that we can do in C and not in C++?..

Answer / faisal saifi

C++ retained all features of C programming in addition of
object oriented programming that use OBJECT and a CLASS so
there is nothing that happen in C but not in C++;

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Is there something that we can do in C and not in C++?..

Answer / shweta iyer

Yes. We can create class in C++ but cannot do so in C.

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Is there something that we can do in C and not in C++?..

Answer / som

In C the const variables can be declared and can allocate
the value later.
For ex:
const int i;
i = 7;

This will work in c, but c++ will give compilation error.

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Is there something that we can do in C and not in C++?..

Answer / prathap

every C program is execute in C++.
From the above reason we can understand that every thing in
C we have in c++ also.
so Answer is NOTHING

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