Write a String class which has:
1) default constructor
2) copy constructor
3) destructor
4) equality operator similar to strcmp
5) constructor which takes a character array parameter
6) stream << operator

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Write a String class which has: 1) default constructor 2) copy constructor 3) destructor 4) equa..

Answer / jp

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//Write a String class which has:
//1) default constructor
//2) copy constructor
//3) destructor
//4) equality operator similar to strcmp
//5) constructor which takes a character array parameter
//6) stream << operator

class strclass
_string = new char();
strclass(const strclass& strcls)
_string = strcls._string;
bool operator==(const strclass& cls)
if(this->_string == cls._string)
return true;
return false;
strclass(char* arr)
_string = arr;
//delete _string;
_string = NULL;
char* operator<<(const strclass& cls)
return this->_string = cls._string;
char* _string;

int main()
cout << "Hi";
strclass str1("string1");
strclass str2("string1");
strclass str("string2");

if (str1 == str2)
cout << "Strings are Same";
cout << "Strings are Different";

cout << (str1 << str);
return 0;

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Write a String class which has: 1) default constructor 2) copy constructor 3) destructor 4) equa..

Answer / stevewu

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

class ownStrcmp
ownStrcmp(ownStrcmp& rhs);
ownStrcmp(char* instring){ _string = instring;}
void setString(char* instring){ _string = instring;}
char* getString(){return _string ;}
int operator == ( ownStrcmp &rhs);

char* _string;
bool _ret;


ownStrcmp::ownStrcmp(ownStrcmp& rhs)
_string = rhs._string;
int ownStrcmp::operator == ( ownStrcmp &rhs)
_ret = true;
if(this == &rhs)
return _ret;
int i = 0;
while( _string[i] != NULL){ ++i;}
int stringLength = i;
for (int j=0;j<stringLength;j++)
if(_string[j]!=rhs._string[j]) _ret=false;
return _ret;

int main()
ownStrcmp string1("hello world");
ownStrcmp string2("hello world");
if (string1 == string2)
cout<<"result is true"<<endl;
cout<<"result is false"<<endl;
return 0;

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