How can we get multiple output values using an unconnected
lookup transformation?

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How can we get multiple output values using an unconnected lookup transformation?..

Answer / atul pitroda

This should be simple enough to concate the values with
delimeters and deconcate at the receiver end.

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How can we get multiple output values using an unconnected lookup transformation?..

Answer / viswanath

Lookup transformation from Informatica 9x version can be
configured as an Active Transformation...
To use this option, while creating the transformation, we
must configure the Lookup transformation property "Lookup
Policy on Multiple Match" to Use All Values. Once created
we cannot change the mode between passive and active. When
ever the Lookup policy on multiple match attribute is set
to Use All Values. The property becomes read-only.

However, this is not possible for an Unconnected Lookup. We
may have to use the same old procedure of returning single
value by conctinating the required fields by a delimiter..

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