i have a table like
empid ename year month sal
1 x 98 jan 500
1 x 98 feb 500
1 x 98 mar 500
1 x 99 jan 600
1 x 99 feb 600
2 y 98 jan 600
2 y 98 feb 600
2 y 98 mar 600
2 y 99 jan 700
2 y 99 jan 700
and so on
i want to find out totsal for every emp on year wise
plz help me

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i have a table like empid ename year month sal 1 x ..

Answer / sachin

use an aggregrator where you need to check the group by
port as emp id, ename and year.

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i have a table like empid ename year month sal 1 x ..

Answer / xyz

select empid, year, sum(sal) as Totalsalary
From employees
group by empid, year;

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i have a table like empid ename year month sal 1 x ..

Answer / vikneswaran

use agg trans group by empid and year then use sum(sal)

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i have a table like empid ename year month sal 1 x ..

Answer / ankit kansal

Using SQL->

select empid,ename,year,sum(sal) Total_Sal from table_name
group by empid,ename,year;

Using Informatica->

SRC->SQ->Agg(sum(sal)[group by empid,ename,year])->TGT


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