how can we replace the particular column value of a resulted
set of executed query? I mean write down a sql query to
chane the particular column's value of a resulted set of
executed query
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Answer / m.raghu
by using sub query answer is
update table1 set col1=(select col2 from table2 where
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Answer / mglbayar
UPDATE (SELECT t1.col1 c1, t2.col1 c2
FROM table1 t1, table2 t2
WHERE = AND more_condition)
SET c1 = c2;
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select decode(salary,2500,1000,3000,2500, 3000) from
This query will replace the salary column value from
If the salary is 2500 then 1000 is displayed in the
resultset, else if 3000 then 2500 will be displayed esle
2000 is displayed.
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