eno ename esal acct1 acct2 amount1 amount2
100 suresh 10000 sbi1 sbi2 1000 2000
this is our sourse data
i would loke to disply like this
eno ename esal acct amount
100 suresh 10000 sbi1 1000
100 suresh 10000 sbi2 2000
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Answer / geetha
Using @iteration=2 looping and define two stage variables and put the if else condition to provide the derivation (ex: @iteration=1 then acct1 else if @iteration=2 then acct2.)
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In my project source data comes from MAINFRAME in files.so,This time data is coming as a binary file...I know for binary data we use Complex flat file stage..I have used it also..but on 'view data' data is not coming correctly..as it in MAINFRAME.give me some ideas..
What is active and passive stage?
How did you reconcile source with target?
how can u find out the datastage job is running on how many nodes
Hi I am Vijay In my source i've 10 records in a single column.... but i want to split those records into 5 sequential files each seq file contains 2 records.?.... can any body help me?
15 Answers Scope International,
A signal has a wavelength of 1 micro min in air.how far can the front of the wave travel during 1000periods?
at source level i have 40 columns,i want only 20 cols at target what r the various ways to get it
What is the difference between Link collector and Funnel Stages?
What all the types of jobs you developed?
How did you reconcile source with target?
difference between function and procedure...
i have 3 diffrent tables. 1) US rate data 2)CANADA rate data and 3)MEXICO rate data. All 3 tables have 6 collumns each. 4 collumns are commun to all tables and 2 are diffrent. Now at target i want single table say Country rate which will have (4+2+2+2+1 flag) 11 collumns. I will add a flag collumn which will indicate country and will put nullable collumns which are not common to other. How i can implement this in datastage?