eno ename esal acct1 acct2 amount1 amount2
100 suresh 10000 sbi1 sbi2 1000 2000
this is our sourse data
i would loke to disply like this
eno ename esal acct amount
100 suresh 10000 sbi1 1000
100 suresh 10000 sbi2 2000

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eno ename esal acct1 acct2 amount1 amount2 100 suresh 10000 sbi1 sbi2 1000 ..

Answer / venu

Use Pivot stage......

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eno ename esal acct1 acct2 amount1 amount2 100 suresh 10000 sbi1 sbi2 1000 ..

Answer / geetha

Using @iteration=2 looping and define two stage variables and put the if else condition to provide the derivation (ex: @iteration=1 then acct1 else if @iteration=2 then acct2.)

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