What is fflush() function?
Explain enumerated types.
Subtract Two Number Without Using Subtraction Operator
Explain the difference between strcpy() and memcpy() function?
Find errors (1) m = ++a*5; (2) a = b ++ -c*2; (3)y = sqrt (1000);
How do we declare variables in c?
what does exit() do?
Write a code on reverse string and its complexity.
Write a program of prime number using recursion.
What is the use of #define preprocessor in c?
write a c program to find reminder and quotient if one number is divided by other.to code this program don't use more than 2 variables
find a number whether it is even or odd without using any control structures and relational operators?
22 Answers Microsoft, Shashank Private Limited,
What is self-referential structure in c programming?