Civil Engineering Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

For a three storey residential house,tmt steel of what grade is good fe415d or fe500d

2 5760

What is the ring size of column 600x400 (8mm dia ring) ?


12 52310

what are RIB slabs explain about it



I want to know about history of civil engineering?

1 3901

Can anyone tell me the salary and job profile of transportation engineers/transport engineer?

1 3828

Where can I get a Text Book on Design of Blast Resistant Buildings in PDF form.


i want to know the easy way to find the quantity of steel in a slab , coloumn

2 5416

i want to know the easy way to find the quantity of steel in a slab , coloumn

ME, SBB, Simplex,

3 7804

why are you joining in this (applied post) job and your aim for this job



OPC 43 OR PPC for rcc structures(raft foundation,column etc)? For M20,,which cement is better and why? for a residential structure (3 storey plus basement)

3 8371

What is Aggrgate sizes used in a WMM Plant?

Black Stone,

3 6584

how to mack bbs

1 2581

how to know rcc strength


2 7077

how amny bricks of size 240 mm X 120 mm X70 mm are required in 100 cubic meter brickwork. How much cement is required at 10 mm masonry and at 4:1 sand cement ratio and how much cubic meter of sand is required for the above work.

Cube Construction,

2 6458

what is the proportion of M25 geade cincrete.?

Adani, L&T,

16 20759

Post New Civil Engineering Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Civil Engineering }

how calucate cement sand ratio for plstering


how many cement used in single story residential building per sqft


What is the tensile strength of wood?


what is meant by sustainable developement as far construction field is considered. Give suitable examples to explain the same


minimum number of bars in a beam? minimum and maximum column size and beam size ? minimum and maximum aggregate size used in multistorey residential building for columns,beams,slabs?


How to calculate carrying capacity of the existing water supply trunkmain


A rock anchor 3 1/2” in diameter is placed in rock. The which has an allowable shear strength of 1200 psi. Determine the required anchorage length to safely carry a 80 ton load using a 2.0:1 F.S


During reclamation how can the occurrence of mud waves can be rectified?


how to do cementicious paint for rcc walls of cw pump house


100mm block work 64 bags of cement used 150mm block work 286 bags of cement used 200mm block work 20 bags of cement used patly work (M15) 293 bags of cement used mortar ratio is 1:5 how to calculate volume of sand in cum & no. of bags


how much area can be platered by a mason for exterior


Define What does civil status mean?


What you understand by richter scale?


need to join coaching institute in coimbatore tamilnadu ......say me the best coaching for IAS


what is the maximum number of course that can be laid according to IS code and the max height.