Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
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1.What is the difference between method validation and method verification 2.Which guidelines proposed to method transfer



My question about gas chromatography sulfur chemiluminsecence detector. I test unknown sample gas by GC-SCD (calibrated ) and the result of *H2S is 279 PPM , *but when I test the same sample with the GC-TCD (calibrated ) the value of *H2S is 2500 PPM . I'd like to inform you that both GCs are calibrated and have very good operation conditions with stable parameters . the question is if the sample gas with higher H2S over detection limits of SCD detector (1000 ppm). why the result it 279 ppm Best regards


what is peak purity and its formula

1 1559

Why potassium dichromate is used in calibration of uv?


Why sometime potassium ortho phosphate mix with acetone use for sample preparation for hplc


What is difference between known and unknown impurities

Sun Pharma,

1 1578

What is the difference between known and unknown impurities?

1 2335

why we are using hexane in calibration of number of drop per mL


Why to use propyl paraben in HPLC gradient calibration



Why potassium dichromate was using in Uv calibration?

1 2736

%lod always grater than %water content for same product??

1 1928

We use Potassium Dichromate solution for the calibration of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer in UV region. My question is to calibrate visible region which solution could be used in photometric accuracy


How to define samples weight in moisture content

1 1710

What is AV value in test uniformity content ,describe calculation


1 2271

Why perchloric acid used for potentiometric titration


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Un-Answered Questions { Analytical Chemistry }

Why a1% value is used for some product ? What is the criteria for selection a1% value ?


what is difference between UV - VISIBLE MODEL NO like 1600,1601,1700 etc ? plz explain me


Home heating oil or furnace oil what is made from? Can (base oil plus diesel/kerosen) = home heating oil?


if you have given one product then how you determine the impurity in that?


What is the acceptance criteria for moisture balance when calibrated with sodium sulfate


In HPLC (Waters) software Empower1,2 &3 what is the updation for each version


Why sodium hydroxide used for maintain pH of phosphate buffer


In GC calibration,what is the procedure to calibrate the TCD (thermal counductivity detector)suggest ?


How to determine the EDTA content by potentiometry titration in Ceftriaxine sodium


How do we fix the sample concentaryion in hplc method development?


How to compare XRD graphs against standard and carry polymorpism study of API's by powder XRD method?


For standardization of volumetric solutions, acceptance limit for concentration is considered as 10% of nominal concentration and %RSD as NMT 0.2% (for appropriate no. of replicates). But , if %RSD has not met, what should be further action?


what are the guidelines for analytical method validations?


why glutent are detected in the rice cereal baby food product even manufacturer claimed that they are using rice and milk only?we have using ELISA to do the test,and rice supposed not containing any glutent,rite?We already repeat the test so many times and it still detected.just wondering where the glutent came from?


for heavy metal test lead used in which form pure form or any other form for preparation of lead standard sol