What do you mean by object?
Give an idea of system variables.
Explain about SAP Treasury And Risk Management module?
Can you discuss the challenges and strategies for managing common neonatal conditions like jaundice or respiratory distress syndrome?
What is ammensalim?
How to connect with firebird database in delphi using tsqlconnection?
What is association mapping in hibernate?
What happens to zk sessions while the cluster is down?
What is real time power factor control panel(RTPFC)?
What is your objeective in career ?
What is marketing mix?
I have just passed Combined Graduate level exam, 2008 from Northern region. But my department is not allocated as yet. First my result was in the list of withheld candidates. But now the list is cleared. So, when SSC Northern region will allocate my department. As I have been selected for the post of Junior Accountant.
What a pipe?
What is subscript in swift?
What is normalizing css?