Pharmacy Interview Questions
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how do you select GC or HPLC for analyzed a sample

1 5173

what is difference between temporary change control and deviation



why we are using toluene in resolution in UV calibration


what is photo stability

1 4850

why we use disodium tartarte for determination of factor in KF titration

2 7412

how we can fix re-standardization due date in volumetric solution

1 5253

what is difference between polarimeter lamp and IR lamp

2 7138

what is difference between sonication and homozinization

2 8871

what is difference between uniformity of content and content uniformity as official test for tablet

Eskom, Hetero,


if calibration of 12 bowl dissolution apparatus does not meet a single stage procedure how you can proceed calibration


what is capacity factor

2 6525

if calibration of 12 bowl of dissolution apparatus does not meet a single stage how you can proceed calibration

1 3116

what do you mean by end capping

1 6857

what is the wavelength of polarimeter lamp

2 11734

what type of column are used in GC

2 5932

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Un-Answered Questions { Pharmacy }

Describe some major trends in pharmaceutical field?


How to select temperature of ODT in disintegration test


the international interview procedure for a job.


Describe iso 9001 for pharmaceutical?


How would you make a physician to prescribe your medicine rather than that of the competitor?


How we define validity of any Reagent , Indicator and Volumetric Solutions


how to make Enrofloxacin 20% solution & whats remedy to avoid crystal formation in this batch after 15 -20days? Please anybody assist in it


Why we said Glacial Acetic Acid to Acetic Acid m


How can you fix the known and unknown impurity limit for any drug substance?


plz if anyone have a model question papers for exam of drug inspector than plz send me on my E-mail ID


hello friends... i got 3 tym rejection in my us student visa interview. every tym vo ask me same questions lyk y ths uni, y ths course n abt my sponsor etc. pls gv me suggestion for th que, y ths uni? as my undergraduate major is pharmacy n i got i 20 frm university of bridgeport for ms in biomedical eng.


what we do when calibration of any instrument is fail ?


why we use PG as a taxonomic marker ?


what is difference between usfda and mhra guidline


when we calibrate uv for control of wavelength we scan for 200 to 800 nm but we get the result only for some specific wavelength how we confirm for all other wavelength?