Pharmacy Interview Questions
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what do you mean by mean kinetic temperature in stability

2 15369

what do you mean by bracketing and matrixing in stability

1 5518

how to select HPLC column for a particular product


what is the composition of C18 column

Cipla, Deccan,

2 25207

what is limit of cleaning validation


what is recovery factor



how much the minimum recovery should be in swab sampling

1 11862

what do you mean by Q+5 in dissolution

1 24412

what is difference between in drug purity and drug potency

2 4257

what should be minimum limit of working standard

1 17556

how impurity is analyzed in a tablet


what is difference between method validation and method verification

1 3105

what should be the LOD of dry syrup

1 7278

how you can fix the known and unknown impurity limit for any drug substance


what is relative response factor in related substance

2 5651

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Un-Answered Questions { Pharmacy }

Describe how you would educate a patient about the proper use of Alprazolam, including dosing instructions, potential side effects, and the importance of follow-up appointments.


What is the difference between polarimeter lamp and IR lamp?


How would you make a physician to prescribe your medicine rather than that of the competitor?


What is pooled sample and why it is required in dissolution test?


what are the most common infectious diseases a pharmacist sees? Do pharmacists routinly encounter antibiotic resistent in some of the infectious agents that patients have contacted? if so which onces?


Delay in receiving offer letter? Dear All, Recently I clear all technical and HR round with one good MNC. I've submitted my scan document of qualification and work experience. Evenafter 2 weeks of sending documents, they didn't release the offer letter. Please suggest me effective email contents to deal them. Thank You


When we change water of Hygrometer?


i had completed my degree with 72% but i dont have good score in gre and tofel and i got an admission into a college in usa is trheir will be any problem if i appear for visa regection because of gre and tofel and i am from science background i lost touch in those subjects.


hello,am milan mohite,i have completed B.PHARM,in 2008.and now do M.B.A from ignou,and D.P.P.M,from IPER{PUNE},please suggest me best coaching institute in pune for drug inspector,and send me model question paper for prepration of D.I. on my e.mail id - Thanks.


How do you balance the benefits and risks of Alprazolam treatment when considering its prescription for an elderly patient with multiple comorbidities?


when will be the drug inspector notification will be anounced.what are the educational requirements...


what is the defination of Change Control given in various guidelines?


If granules are over lubricated what defect arises in tablet compression how we solve this problem.


Discuss the legal and regulatory considerations surrounding the prescription of Alprazolam, including scheduling and documentation requirements.


why we study matrixing in stability system in stability study and on what basis we select time point.