What are the main features and Characteristics of Hadoop which makes it the most popular and powerful Big Data tool?
351What is single node cluster in Hadoop? for what all purposes Hadoop run on a single node cluster?
384Post New Hadoop General Questions
what is next step after mapper or maptask?
Can we change the file cached by distributed cache
How many job tracker processes can run on a single Hadoop cluster?
What are the primary phases of the reducer?
What is Federation?
What happen if a datanode loses network connection for a few minutes?
Which language is more suitable for text analytics? R or python?
What happen when namenode enters in safemode in hadoop?
What is check pointing in hadoop?
Name the most common input formats defined in hadoop?
Define a udf?
What is the logistic regression?
Where are Hadoop’s configuration files located?
Give me the examples of Columnar database ?
What is the job tracker role in hadoop?