How analysis of Big Data is useful for organizations?
Can you explain indexing?
What are input format, input split & record reader and what they do?
What are the actions followed by hadoop?
What are the configuration files in Hadoop?
After the Map phase finishes, the Hadoop framework does 'Partitioning, Shuffle and sort'. Explain what happens in this phase?
What are the limitations of Hadoop?
How jobtracker assign tasks to the tasktracker?
Is it possible to provide multiple input to Hadoop? If yes then how?
List of the some best tools that can be useful for data-analysis?
What is Chain Mapper?
How to do ‘map’ and ‘reduce’ works?
How would you check whether your NameNode is working or not?
Did you ever ran into a lop sided job that resulted in out of memory error, if yes then how did you handled it ?
What does the mapred.job.tracker command do?