BlackBerry OS Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are the phone advantages of BlackBerry technology?

1 1758

What are the wireless internet advantages of BlackBerry technology?

1 1569

What are the tethered modem advantages of BlackBerry technology?

1 1606

What are the organizer advantages of BlackBerry technology?

1 1881

What are the SMS advantages of BlackBerry technology?

1 1849

What are the instant messaging advantages of BlackBerry technology?

1 1903

What are the paging advantages of BlackBerry technology?

1 1839

Tell us what you know about BlackBerry Tablet OS?

1 1823

Where should we save our app data to on the Playbook?

1 1682

How to lock screen orientation to landscape mode?

1 1980

Will MouseEvents trigger from a touch?

1 2072

How to access the GPS/Camera/Accelerometor on the simulator?

1 1851

What size should an apps icon be?

1 2185

How to test an orientation change on the simulator?

1 1900

How to navigate between screens in an app?

1 1799

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Un-Answered Questions { BlackBerry OS }

What is ppp protocol? Explain ppp packet format.?


Explain how nat works?


Explain the email advantages of blackberry technology?


how to access the gps/camera/accelerometor on the simulator? : Blackberry tablet os


How’s the tax on purchased applications processed?


Explain circuit level gateway?


Can we distribute themes?


Who can submit applications through the blackberry app world vendor portal?


Explain the cda(corporate data access) advantages of blackberry technology?


how to test an orientation change on the simulator? : Blackberry tablet os


how to lock screen orientation to landscape mode? : Blackberry tablet os


What is synchronization in blackberry


how to code sign a app? : Blackberry tablet os


Explain the tethered modem advantages of blackberry technology?


Once an application has been submitted, can I make changes to my submission?