BlackBerry OS Interview Questions
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How to Recover a Dead BlackBerry?

1 1720

What do you know about BlackBerry 7?

1 1968

uppose I am trying to sign in to my BlackBerry Internet Service Account, but I am getting this error message: “The User ID and Password provided are invalid. Please re-enter your User ID and Password and try again.” What should I do?

1 1525

Where can we get additional troubleshooting help for a BlackBerry device?

1 1539

What makes BlackBerry 1 user friendly?

1 1548

Explain Blackberry technology?

1 1617

What is Blackberry OS(operating system)?

1 1645

What CPU used in Blackberry technology?

1 1637

Define BlackBerry enterprise server?

1 1666

Describe BlackBerry internet service?

1 1597

Tell me how synchronization takes place with Blackberry technology?

1 1697

List the features of Blackberry?

1 1665

What are the benefits for organizations by using Blackberry?

1 1500

What are the benefits for IT organizations by using Blackberry?

1 1623

What are the Email advantages of BlackBerry technology?

1 1642

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Un-Answered Questions { BlackBerry OS }

Explain the sms advantages of blackberry technology?


Explain how to recover a dead blackberry?


Can we distribute web applications?


Which cpu used in blackberry technology?


What is the Domain Name System (DNS)? What are the advantages of it?


What billing models are supported on BlackBerry App World?


What is an application gateway?


Can we distribute blackberry webworks applications?


Can we select more than one category for my application?


How does RIM determine if an application is suitable for BlackBerry App World?


Explain the features of blackberry?


how to test an orientation change on the simulator? : Blackberry tablet os


Explain what do you know about blackberry 7?


Explain the benefits for it organizations by using blackberry?


Explain the organizer advantages of blackberry technology?