IT Management Interview Questions
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From where I should start to prepare for cat?


7. (a) How do you implement internal controls in IT systems? (b) How to design internal controls over financial reporting, when financial reporting is performed totally from the software application? Explain briefly the major points. (c) What are the additional controls needed, when the software interfaces are webbased? Explain the materiality of the payroll processing functions to be performed by webinterfaces from the control perspective.


What is security policy? To protect an organization’s information what security policy need to follow according to you.

1 3951

What are your strengths and talents?


what is the difference between BI and pervasive BI?


1 5225

why do you join mba in IT sector?

3 4348

hi i am doing cause study about Enterprising young IT Entrepreneur who has recently started a small business running web hosting services for SME (Small to Medium Enterprise). You frequently need to meet (potential) clients to sell your services to them. You do so with presentations and demonstrations of your products. You will also want to install certain development software for your software development projects. So what software to use? need a server? what types of hosting should i use?


state the role of cost accounting in large scale industry


expline the relevance of economic meltdown and the cost accounting


cost accounting is a tool for dicission making expline


what is difference between a primary market and secondary market in us economy as per e-commerce point of view ?

1 5426

i am going for the IT Officer written test,can any body mail me the question bank to


I have given ielts exam and i got 5.5 bands and i also got three I-20s from the US universities, so my ielts score will interrupt my visa or not? I want to confirm it.


Describe your ideal job and/or boss.


What unique experience or qualifications separate you from other candidates?


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Un-Answered Questions { IT Management }

What change management processes have you used to ensure that change is introduced properly?


expline the relevance of economic meltdown and the cost accounting


Do you personally involved with Major incident process ? If yes, how do you manage it in your present organization ? explain with real scenario !


What id the meaning of MIS ? MIS nasure, charactersitcs, purpose ? how can the leanr about them ?


What are the practices you follow for closing a project and meeting the conditions required to establish closure?


Why are you interested in this position? Our company?


state the role of cost accounting in large scale industry


what is capital


hi i am doing cause study about Enterprising young IT Entrepreneur who has recently started a small business running web hosting services for SME (Small to Medium Enterprise). You frequently need to meet (potential) clients to sell your services to them. You do so with presentations and demonstrations of your products. You will also want to install certain development software for your software development projects. So what software to use? need a server? what types of hosting should i use?


i am going for the IT Officer written test,can any body mail me the question bank to


What unique experience or qualifications separate you from other candidates?


what is the difference between BI and pervasive BI?


why u choose mba after bca?


When you are given to develop a computer based information system for banking, how do you write the SDLC diagram?. Explain the five phases with respect to banking.


What are the key performance indicators of Business process analyst?