can u pls. send me state bank of india clerical exam model papers to my mail id. or pls. suggest me some web site where i can do the test on the net .
1982my brother has applied for clerk entrance exam & he don't the entrance exam date please tell from UP please tell me on
1866The food conducting tissue of a plant is (1) Phloem (2) (3) Parenchyma (4) Xylem Collenchyma
3 16095send me different english vocabulary which is used in general spoken language and words and their meanings
2080i am preparing the exam of LIC which is on 21.9.2008 please send me the current or previous exam question in may ID.
1762i was written sbi clerk exam so i want to details of that exam result date and websites.any info send me to my eid.
1821we have to take 2 optional papers for IAS main exam so plz tell me could I take english literature as 2nd optional with my other optional paper?
2 6530hi all, this is rajani,im preparing for group-2 exams. plz tell me how can i get previous year model papers.
1847Write a program that reads N phrases and determines if one phrase is a permutation of the other. For example: Phrase 1 is: “One World One Dream” Phrase 2 is: “World One One Dream”. Then the output should say that phrase 1 is permutation of phrase 2. Note that spaces/tabs are not counted as characters. Sample Input: 3 One World One Dream World One One Dream No World No Dream Sample Output: Phrase 1 is permutation of Phrase 2
Is MLA consider as Gazetted Officer? Can we issue character certificate from him? And NOC from Police station consider as character certificate for Bank interview. Please answer me early as i need it.
1.ants are social insects.why? 2.numismatics is study of ___? 3.rate of change of position is known as ___? 4.a logophile is alover of what? 5.which city hosted '2009 UN climate change conference'?
who had an explosive idea and first patented dynamite?
why is social networking popular among young people?
which component is in most in kidney stones
who is zonal manager of zone?
what was the age limit for group2 exams for reservation candidates?
i am now attendind degree so can anybody say me what conbination helps to attempt KAS
folly disk is ram type memory or rom type memoty
main() { int *ptr=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); *ptr=4; printf("%d",(*ptr)+++*ptr++); }
kindly tell me about the preparation of bank p.o?
write short note on extrapolation?
dear sir , i got 345 marks in ssc .. is it enough to get an interview call?????????? i m in obc ......
send the old question paper of oncg chemistry paper
simon commission was appointed in?