ETL Interview Questions
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when u connect the repository for the first time it asks you for user name & password of repository and database both.But subsequent times it asks only repository password. why?


what is the difference between normal & bulk loading? and which one is recommended ? why?

2 6079

what is a test load?

3 15975

How can you use an Oracle sequences in Informatica ? You have an Informatica sequence generator transformation also. which one is better to use?


what is the difference between shortcut of an object and copy of an object? compare them?

1 5723

how do u implement configuration management in Informatica?


what are business components in Informatica?

2 10589

dimension object created in oracle can be imported in designer?how?


can cubes contain measures ?


can be used COM component in Informatica ?


what is the advantage of persistent cache? when it should be used?

2 4102

when will use SQL override in a lookup transformation?


Two different admin users created for repository are________and_________.

1 3485

Two default user groups created in the repository are____and_____.


A mapping contains source table S_Time(stat_year,end_year) target table TIM_DIM(date,day,month,year,quarter) stored procedure transformation: A procedure has two parameters I_end_year and output parameter as O_date ,day , month, year, quarter, If this session is running, how many rows will be available in the target and why?


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what is the difference between cardinality and Nullability?


What are your responsibilities as an etl tester?


what is the main role of FI on business


1)Power center server and client on the same machine 2)power center server and client on the different machines What is the basic difference in these two setups and which is recommended ?


How to delete data which is not in source table?


What is a lookup table in etl?


In Which Transformation We Can Use Having Clause In Informatica?


how to do aggregation (year wise quantity ) using only source qualifier, the source is sql server date as datetime data type and target as flat file with year (string datatype)


What is etl process? How many steps etl contains?


What is a materialized view log?


5. How many repositories can we create in Informatica? 6. What is surrogate key? 7. What is difference between Mapplet and reusable transformation? 8. What is aggregate awareness? 9. Explain reference cursor? 10. What are parallel querys and query hints? 11. DWH architecture? 12. What are cursors? 13. Advantages of de normalized data? 14. What is operational data source (ODS)? 15. What is meta data and system catalog? 16. What is factless fact schema? 17. What is confirmed dimension? 18. What is the capacity of power cube? 19. Difference between PowerPlay transformer and power play reports? 20. What is IQD file? 21. What is Cognos script editor? 22. What is difference macros and prompts? 23. What is power play plug in? 24. Which kind of index is preferred in DWH? 25. What is hash partition? 26. What is DTM session? 27. How can you define a transformation? What are different types of transformations in Informatica? 28. What is mapplet? 29. What is query panel? 30. What is a look up function? What is default transformation for the look up function? 31. What is difference between a connected look up and unconnected look up? 32. What is staging area? 33. What is data merging, data cleansing and sampling? 34. What is up date strategy and what are th options for update strategy? 35. OLAP architecture? 36. What is subject area? 37. Why do we use DSS database for OLAP tools?


if i have a query as flat file how can we load data to target table


What is abap? What are idocs?


Assume u have a 24CPU machine with 24GB RAM, suggest how u would like to configure Informatica ,like number of concurrent sessions, RAM requirements etc,max partitions that u would permit per mapping.


What is partitioning? Explain about round-robin, hash partitioning.