QTP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is purpose of automation?

3 7111

what are the difference ways of parameterising?

1 3373

What is error handled other than recovery scenario manager?

2 5328

What is difference between WR and QTP?

2 5288

what kind of erros can be handled with the using QTP?

CTS, Satyam,

2 4868

How you used DDT in QTP?

1 6230

Difference between keyword driven test and DDT?

1 5194

How did you use regular expressions in QTP and also in WR?


How do you learn the object in QTP?

2 6209

How will you handle custom object in QTP?

2 13875

what is defination of intergration testing?

2 4287

what is defination of regression testing?

3 5833

what is defination of system testing?

CodeArrow, Infosys, Omax,

3 5950

How will you report the bug and explain the defect tracking sheet you handled?



What In-string function will do?

1 7552

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

how to acess a test in RSA?


How to execute a winrunner script in quicktest professional?


What are the steps involved in recovery scenario wizard?


supose i hv to acsess some functionlaties of a test in 1 machin , some part other machin how can acsess?


How to define array in qtp?


What is the basic concept of qtp?


What is the significance of “action 0” in qtp?


What is the parameterization? Give one example?


How to associate function library at a run time?


What is meant by Step generator?what is the use of this? we have 3 steps know there what r all those.? can u all pls give me clear idea of this


hi i have completed my b.tech in cse stream. now i am working in an organisation in testing department. i want do sap course but i dnt know which module will boost my career can anyone suggest me which is good for my career


why should we give deliver good quality software?


Is it possible to split an action? How?


how to test Web application using QTP software


There is an built in window application in qtp9.1,i.e.Flight4.0.i want to implement the recovery maneger on it.How can i do this?