QTP Interview Questions
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What is object & properties (in QTP)

Ordain Solutions,

5 17312

When a requirement is given to u to automate , What is ur basic approach ?

4 6125

Did u use check points during ur work experience ?


3 6891

If u r using library files (Instead of Check Points) , How do u do bitmap check ?


How do u fetch data from a database ?

2 4995

What is the XML file architecture ?


Tel me what was the automation testing process you followed?

2 5320

Can you import and export data from XLS and how?

4 6475

Have you performed Debugging and how did you?

2 5334

Did you face the problem, changing the properties of an object in Run Time?

1 3227

Give a comment on Regular Expressions using QTP?

4 8259

When it be decided to go for either Per - Action or Shared?

2 4272

What is meant by Pseudo Code?


5 12748

Diff. between keyword driven Data driven testing?


8 42818

how we will use output values in qtp? is there any possibulity by descriptive programming?

2 7000

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

What is object spy in quicktest professional (qtp)?


Hi All, How to get repeated word in string . Thanks Balaji


Hi, While recording a Jave based web application, its recording all my actions and the objects.And I have 5 WebEdit objects on the page and all are recorded. But while execution, at the 2 WebEdit object, its entering the value into the object (Its making a call to the AJAX, matching the value), when the control get out of this object the value is erased or cleared. Could anyone please help. I have recoreded 5 more scenarios where WebEdit is in the picture on different webpages and all are working fine. Here is my Script: Browser("Sign In").Page("Matching Workbench_3").WebEdit ("locationLookup").Set "0320 - SEATTLE-KM" Browser("Sign In").Page("Matching Workbench_3").WebEdit ("supplierNameLookup").Set "TRAMMO PETROLEUM INC" *** SupplierNameLookup is the object, which is haing an issue. And also I was using the SendString function, but it didnt work.


What are the methods used in UFT to handle exceptions or run-time errors?


can anyone tell me from where i can download qtp demo or crack version


How many types of recording facility are available in quicktest professional?


How to do the scripting. Are there any inbuilt functions in QTP? What is the difference between them? How to handle script issues?


When do go for loop condition in test?


what is the difference between data driver & data driven and driver script?


How do you know the location Id of an object if you know its index id?


Mention the different actions types of qtp.


how to acess a test in RSA?


How can you pass value one action to another action?


How many ways we can parameterize data in quicktest professional (qtp)?


How did you use regular expressions in QTP and also in WR?