QTP Interview Questions
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how to retrive that the number of spaces are in a string ????

Liquid Hub,

2 6165

Which statement will use for close an action in QTP?


Write the vb script for the lowest and highest values of an array?


1 7472

How to findout the number of spaces with in STRING For Ex : STRING is " RAJ IS A SOFTWARE ENGINEER " Please send me the answer

3 4921

Hi im new in Testing..can any one plz re-write this code SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe","","C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox","open" ----using for loop(for i=0;i<=10;i++ )

2 4061

Hi, I am trying to automate the web application for generating Reports.I am facing issue with IE while running the script. After 4 report IE crashes.I am using QTP 9.5 with IE version 7. Can anubody give me solution for this issue. Thanks in advance-Jyotsna


Hi, I am learning QTP. can someone please tell me a site from where i can learn QTP scripting Thanks in advance


7. Given scenario is like this: One Web table is there and you have to search and retrieve a cell data which is equal to the given number say:123. Assume you have given with the column name/id of the table where the number may exist. So now you have to go to the given column and search for the number 123 and retrieve it along with the row number of it.

4 12253

We have 10 rows of records in data table, but we have to run 4th, 5th and 6th rows only. How can we handle this scenario in QTP?

Accenture, Banca Sella, Polaris,

5 24728

What is the architecture of framework


how qtp will recognise if application is run on many browsers

Cap Gemini,

1 10918

1.what is test automation life cycle?


1 3664

write code to read and write data from file?


1 3588

I want to know how to execute the descriptive programming in qtp for the webedit object which does not contain attached text property. but i have checked it with name and html id property. Even though it is not executing. it is giving error in object's physical description.

2 4446

How to apporach while starting the automation testing?


3 4948

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

Have you done batch testing in qtp? If yes how you are doing?


How the exception handling can be done using quicktest professional?


Is any limitation to xml checkpoints?


Explain the concept of object repository and how quicktest professional recognises objects?


What is the file extension of the code file in qtp?


How to find operating system information using the qtp script?


hi to all, i need a code.. in flight application 1.i need to login first then i need to insert 3 new orders... 2.i have to log out 3.i have to login again with different user 4.need to insert 2 new orders 5.then need to log out 6.then again login with different user 7.3 new orders create and log out 8.but we hv to do this using data table and actions please help me


1.Qtp suppots Unix& linx or not 2why qtp suppots shell script.


write a script to verify the image path(src property) of the images which are in web pages.


What is the difference between call to existing action and copy of an action?


What is standalone database?


What is the extension of the qtp local repository?


In what occasion we can specify global sheet and action sheet?


i have doubt suppose iam purly working in QTP, when i will work on sql and performence testing? pls any one clarify doubt?


How can you close the second opened browser?