QTP Interview Questions
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plz can any one send me what is Automation Testing Frameworks.. Thanks in advance

1 2958

In QTP 8.2 there are lot of check points is this same in latest version QTP 9.5 ?

2 3257

i have qtp 9.5 ver software.but i don't know the license key. if anyone have license key please send it to my personal mail id(munir.reddy@yahoo.com

2 7386

how to evalute defects in QTP script?


How can we display the names of the buttons in the toolbar of a webpage

1 2772

Hi Guys, I tried to install java add-in for QTP 9.5 after the whole installation but it didn't install but then i also found in documentation saying that winrunner7.6 patch for java plugin would work fine with QTP. But when i tried to install from winrunner7.6 it asks me for the path of winrunner So my question is are we supposed to install winrunner for java add in to work on QTP. Please suggest me

1 6553

can anyone proide me reading material on svit00ef27@yahoo.com please thanx in advance

2 3365

Without integrating QC/Testdirector with QTP, is it possible to keep track of the defects?If yes how? How to export QTP results to an excel sheet?


What is the disadvantage of smart identification?

Infosys, Sony,

3 13842

What is test automation framework?which framework does QTP follow?Need some practical explanation as to how u will start ur testing process following a particular framework?

IBM, Sony,

2 8567

Can anyone pls tell me how to do action parameterization (input and output parameters) with respect to login window and insert order of flight reservation window in detail( pls give a clear step by step explanation with example) anyone please. Will be very thankful to u

Avenger Software,


In Descriptive programing if i use this below code will it work for login window or flight Res Window. Shud i add the properties like attached text=login and text=Agent Name in the object repository and define a new object first. Pls tell me the procedure in clear inorder to execute this script. Dialog("title:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Agent Name:").set"agent123" Dialog("title:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Password:").set"mercury" Dialog("attached text:=Login").winbutton("text:=OK").click

2 3935

Why script error occur in between recording in qtp?


Will QTP gets installed on virtual PC.What is the maintenance number to be given

1 6059

Hi, I got error message as "object does not support this property or method: "Test.Actions" when i execute the following line of script on QTP 9.0 Dim qtApp, qtRep Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") Set qtRep = qtApp.Test.Actions("Action1").ObjectRepositories Can anyone tell me where i am wrong.


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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

How do client side image and server side image work?


who QTP recognizes the object stored in object repository?


How to start recording using quicktest professional (qtp)?


Hi All, How to get repeated word in string . Thanks Balaji


Generic function to search for the unique link in webtable and click on it


How to sendKeys in QTP? Diff b/w sendkeys and device replay? Diff b/w function and Sub? Diff b/w Array and List Different Types of running Keys other than Fast, slow,Normal mode Regular expression for http://newtours.demoaut.com Difference between \w and \W How to generate script button Recording Types Different Types of Actions? Using DP performance degrades, If Yes why? How to close all the opened browsers? Diff b/w SystemUtil.Run and invoke application? If qtp not recognized the combo box How to select values from drop down?


What are the different types of recording modes in qtp? Which will be used when?


How does qtp identify the object in the application?


Hi Friends, I worked with 8.2 not with 9.2. Please help me in this prob. I created one script and recorded some think and save as Test 1 then I opened process--open the object repository manager. Switch to file->save->give some name->save as Objectrepo1.tsr file. (This is the global repository file.) Then I went to object repository->tools-> associate repository ->click + icon ->open the previously saved Objectrepo1.tsr file. This is the global repository Now I created one more script and save as Test 2. In this script I am calling script with the Help of "Call of existing action" and I executed but QTP is not able to execute B’cos it is QTP is not able to read the Object Repository of Test 1. Please let me know why? Once I made Script 1 as a shared Obj. Repository so it would not give any Problem. Right?


Explain how qtp identifies objects?


how to test use the quality control .how to verify the image verification


What are the five challenges you faced in QTP?


what is the mail use of frame work(with detail). architecture for keyword driven frame work


What is action? How many types of actions are there in qtp?


How to do the scripting. Is there any inbuilt functions in qtp as in qtp-s.