Code Snippets Interview Questions
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How do you write a program which produces its own source code as its output?

7 17458

how to check whether a linked list is circular.


11 61235

Write out a function that prints out all the permutations of a string. For example, abc would give you abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba. You can assume that all the characters will be unique.

IITR, Microsoft, Nike,

5 21769

Write a prog to accept a given string in any order and flash error if any of the character is different. For example : If abc is the input then abc, bca, cba, cab bac are acceptable, but aac or bcd are unacceptable.

Amazon, Microsoft,

5 14158

How to add checkbox to datagrid?

5 15468

Program to find the largest sum of contiguous integers in the array. O(n)

11 37889

how to Scroll a DIV content



how to create Expandable and Collapsible Menus


how to determine which Mouse Button was pressed

1 2649

create a slide show


1 3858

code to detect versions of different browsers like internet explorer, netscape, mozilla, opera etc



code to images to rollover


code to create a new window


write a code that user can choose/alter Body Text Size


code to Hide and Show form controls


Un-Answered Questions { Code Snippets }

To Write a C program to remove the repeated characters in the entered expression or in entered characters(i.e) removing duplicates. String contains only lowercase characters ['a'-'z']


How to Split Strings with Regex in Managed C++ Applications?


write a code to generate pseudorandom numbes


Write a Program to find whether the given number is a Armstrong number.


I have a doubt regarding including tags in a function. I have written a function in javascript in a html page. The function got called by clicking a button, i want to display the results in same html page by placing tags in the function. (this hmtl page is static page) Is this possible? example:

I have multiple datasets and I have to search a particular string in all of them at a single time. Please suggest a full jcl or rexx tool for it.


Write a python program to find the second largest number in a list?


Code for Method of Handling Factorials of Any Size?


How to update and insert from datagridview at run time in excel database?


can everyone explain this code Private Sub DrawRect(rectSource As RECT, lngColour As Long) Line (rectSource.Left, rectSource.Top)-(rectSource.Left, rectSource.Bottom), lngColour Line (rectSource.Left, rectSource.Top)- (rectSource.Right, rectSource.Top), lngColour Line (rectSource.Right, rectSource.Bottom)- (rectSource.Right, rectSource.Top), lngColour Line (rectSource.Right, rectSource.Bottom)- (rectSource.Left, rectSource.Bottom), lngColour End Sub


How to print sum of the numbers starting from 1 to 100?


What is the functionality of GetDesktopWindow?


write a code that user can choose/alter Body Text Size


create a C-code that will display the total fare of a passenger of a taxi if the driver press enter,the timer will stop. Every 10 counts is 2 pesos. Initial value is 25.00


Write a function to efficiently convert a floating point number to a rational number. For example, given 0.125 return "1/8"