Test Documents Reporting Interview Questions
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how will you report defects in your company?

8 12248

how will you know whether your reported defect rejected?

4 8992

what will you do when your reported defect rejected?


10 26853

differentiate defect age & build version control?

2 7043

how many levels of regression testing is avilable in our testing process?


10 23692

how will you decide defect severity & priority?


14 26286

how many levels of regression testing is avilable in our testing process?

4 11302

What is Test idea? format of test idea

3 7651

Test Documents Reporting answers

ABC, Mastek,

4 9791

Hi Friends, Can any one tell me how the Risks for the basic web page testing in the Test Plan, as i am writting my first test plan. It will be greatfull if any one answer me as soon as possible

3 6088

Can someone give checklist to test the performance of application. This checklist to be provided in the Test Plan that the following will be tested, e.g. 1. n users will be tested to test the load 2. Per page load time would not be greater than n seconds etc. I want to know the points other than the above stated ones.


if there are 10 step in test cases while executing if their is mismatch at step 5 what is status of test case ? pass or fail or anything else? if require tab is not available then what's the status of test case?

2 5362

if there are 10 step in test cases while executing if their is mismatch at step 5 what is status of test case ? pass or fail or pending or test not complete or else? if require tab is not available then what's the status of test case?

9 10610

How do we prepare weekly and monthly status-report as QA?

4 21339

If you are working closely with business team, after receiving the requirements, if you think requirements need some changes, When will notice they need to be modified?,when will you approach them.exactly in what phase of SDLC?

4 7353

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write test case for ecomerce shopping


Can someone give checklist to test the performance of application. This checklist to be provided in the Test Plan that the following will be tested, e.g. 1. n users will be tested to test the load 2. Per page load time would not be greater than n seconds etc. I want to know the points other than the above stated ones.


Does any one have Performance test plan and Security test plan? Please help me as i need it ASAP... Thanks in Advance.


How do you document well a website (i.e an ONG website) pls help me with a sample. Need your help UR


An engineering college wants to automate their examination activities to speed up their work and maintain high-end accuracy of information. A brief overview of the proposed system is given below: The proposed examination system is consisting of 8 semesters spread across 9 branches (assume your own branch names) and spans over a period of 4 years. Each student belongs to a branch and must register for a minimum of 6 courses but not exceed 8 courses maximum. The scoring pattern for each course is given as below: Maximum marks for each course: 100 Pass: 35% Distinction: 70% and above First class: =>60% and <70% Second class: >50% and <60% Pass Class: >=35% and <50% The proposed system computes the result and announces the results every semester. The results must be accurate and all examination records will be maintained till the students leave the college. Develop a Test Strategy to test the proposed system. Your Test Strategy must include the following: • Test Plan • Testing Methodology to be followed • Test cases • Test effort estimation • Test Correction Mechanism Note: If you need more information on the requirement specification, you are permitted to assume along the same line but clearly specify the details.


How To write Wimax field testing test cases,,,,? both negitive and Positive,,,,follows rule Tringulation (Logitude and latitude)