Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What is change request,how u use it


6 29420

Tell me the SRS based review,brs based review


What do u mean by Positive and Negative testing & whatz r the diff's between them .Can anyone explain with an example .


4 9477

How can u do the follwing 1)Usability testing 2)scalability Testing 3)portability Testing

1 5367

Whatz the main use of preparing Tracebility matrix and explain the real time usage


6 10999

What type of testing u perform in organization while u do System Testing,give clearly


3 8289

wht is the diff b/w funtional testing and integration testing

4 8668

wht is bug, deffect,issue,error

5 9711

how can we upload manual test cases in testdirector

1 4975

wht is smoke testing and user interface testing

Oneclick Testing Solutions,

3 9604

can any one give the example for high severity high priority high severity low priority low severity high priority low severity low priority

TCS, Wipro,

10 17934

can u give me the sample bug report


3 9742

difference between regression testing and re testing?

Bizpivot, CTS,

14 18294

Who will change the Bug Status as Deffered?


19 22119

How to Test a C++ and unix application is there any automated tool available,

Calsoft, Primasia,

1 4766

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

can you show me the test cases on registration form


what are risks and contigencies(solutions) of an ecommerce (online shopping and bidding project)application?we describe this in Test plan can anyone tell me abt this?


Sentence "Working from onsite is effective" is growing in IT field. How do we bring that knowledge to offshore and do an effective job in Offshore?


Explain some techniques for developing software components with respect to testability.


Please explain me v-model clearly i want to know how it works and want to know how it use in real time on a project please tell me its urgent and important for me understand .Please tell me my mail id is Thank u


how will the test plan is pepared in ur organisation>?


Can test condition,testcase and testscript help u in performing the static testing


What is Test Design ?( Urgent) and Test Design for Printer?


Can anyone tell me about banking project? abt the transactions? the flow?


How should your staff be managed? How about your overtime?


What is bug priority?


If anyone have attended interview with deloitte for the post of senior manual test engineer. Please share the interview process and the questions asked. How to prepare for the interview. Thanks in advance


Explain the importance of agile testing?


What are the cases why parameterization is necessary when load testing the Web server and the database server?


What is decision table testing?