What do u mean by Positive and Negative testing & whatz r the diff's between them .Can anyone explain with an example .
4 9615can any one give the example for high severity high priority high severity low priority low severity high priority low severity low priority
10 18068Post New Manual Testing Questions
I am a ISTQB cerfity tester with 3 yrs experience(kolkata) , I left my current commpany due to some problem but since two months I did not get new job , why? is my age is 33 yrs and I am married . If anybody have any answer please let me know, my email id sangitadas1981@gmail.com/yahoo.co.in
Hi , Please send me the interview questions which were asked in manual testing mainly the test cases asked to write in interview.
What are the interview question on insurance domain in manual testing
plz send the test scenarios and test cases for "user name should contain 4 to 8 chars and they should have only vowels"
How a test engineer will convince a test lead when he didn't approve the bug as a report ???
what are the different methods to test a product in 'Japanese' language? NOTE:User is unable to perform basic functionalities while using the app..(copy, paste, text selection etc.)
send the senario template
In usability testing we check spelling, content, look and feel, color combination, link or menu navigation? please let me know more about usability testing.
How do you perform configuration management with typical revision control systems?
Define cause effect graphing?
What is a good test? Wy do we need testing write test steps for triangle write test steps for ATM How a tester should approach a devloper about non accepted defect? What is test coverage assurance and give an example Draw and expain V model and how it is helpfull in software development
what is acid testing?
What is the difference between qa, qc, and testing?
Can you do system testing at any stage of sdlc?
How to overcome pesticide paradox?