I have qtp 9.5 demo ver,I am not able to record the yahoo broeser.so anyone can tell me what setting i have to do in QTP for yahoo brower recording. why its not recognise the object of yahoo browser????
What are the programming languages supported by selenium webdiver?
What is htmlunitdriver?
Explain about failure options in TD
write a script to validate the content in the web application. (do it by OR method) and (do it by Descriptive method by creating a description object..
How to remove associated function library?
what is the diffrence bw qtp architectute and qtp framework?
How extensive or customized are the server logging and reporting requirements; are they considered an integral part of the system and do they require testing?
Can you list some technologies that support qtp?
What is selenium webdriver or google webdriver or selenium 2.0?
Explain what sikuli is?
Difference between test object and run time object?
How to replay a script in qtp?
What is object spy in quicktest professional (qtp)?
Please explain what are the different types of locators in selenium?