What is the significance of testng.xml?
What is the Difference between copy to action and call to action?
Explain me what is a framework and what are the frameworks available in rc?
How can we create our own defect template from test director? Is it possible in test director?
Explain some disadvantages to manual software testing?
How do you add check points or verification points in selenium?
Explain how Selenium is different from UFT?
What are the different components of loadrunner?
What is parameterization in testng?
When I click on a link in web page.Link should open in new window.can anyone please let me know the script for this ---Koti
What is exact meaning of Database Checkpoint in QTP 9.2 and what are the different types of the database check points?
How to test Fonts and its size thru "Font Expert" in Win Runner.
Explain measuring transaction.
give me the code to save all messages of inbox of gmail into a folder and notepad
How to use parameterization in qtp?