How to upload excel files into Quality Center using QTP Script and how to delete excel files from Quality?
751How to test login module with different username and password by using data driven testing in QTP?
What is self-referencing constraint in mainframe development?
Explain about "Defect life cycle" in HP Quality Center ?
Dis advantages of XML checkpoint ?
what is the difference between 2.0 & 3.0
What is transaction per second graph(pass)?
what function you write to do database testing with the help of qtp?
What is the difference between gui map and gui map files?
i'm using the qtp to test to vb appliction,i wanted to get the new application's title.i didn't want to use the winAPI to get it ,i 'd like to know whether a QTP function can do it. Eg: SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\.....","","","" 'run an application, and misure the application is activating,then how to get the hwn wihtout using windowns api
How can we debug a loadrunner script?
What is the difference between close and quit command?
Explain what is framework and what are the frameworks available in rc?
in my application,validation message has in japanise to validate this message is appears properly or not
How do you identify which files are loaded in the gui map?
Does the selenium have any limitations?
What should we say if interviewer asks "What is ur project architecture?".......Can any one help me with clear information.?????????