VB.NET Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How do you script this scenario in QTP using VB? Verify XML attributes in XML message against XSD and data mapping of fields to Oracle tables? Verify data in XML to data in a defined table?

Perot Systems,


How do you validate Date by using which validation Control?

HCL, iQuest,

4 15982

what is vb.net?

10 13158

i am attending to US consulate i kept my projects on vb.net ,please help me what questions will be ask on vb.net in us consulate


how can we assigns items on listbox so that it will show rowwise please write the code for it.

3 9308

what r the properties should be given to set method?

PSI Data Systems,

2 6070

What is MSIL

8 14523

In vb.net how to connect crystal report?

1 5115

sql satement for 2nd maximum value


15 19843

Hi I am planning to take interview in VB.net,can any one share your interview Questions for a Entry-level job. Regards Lina

3 5772

if user enters 1 or 2 or any other number in digit format in next textbox it should show the answer in word reading like if enters 12 answer should be twelve

4 6962

What is JIT(Just In Time) and How it works?

Data Entry Operator, Infocons, Siemens,

5 15628

1234 123 12 1 how to design above pic in vb.net?


2 6634

in my windows application i have to show excelwork sheetwhich is stored in the local system can any one tell me the code?

1 7193

Can we use a crystal report into a another crystal report

7 10170

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Un-Answered Questions { VB.NET }

Why is the xml infoset specification different from the xml dom?


Explain about the keyword must inherit?


i have two class that contain's two methods as same name in derived class i have to call these two methods what will happen at run time ?


What is an assembly and its use?


What is the difference between value and reference types?


What is meant by jagged arrays?


what's ArrayList in .Net (VB.Net or C#).What's the advantageous using ArrayList.


Explain option explicit?


Explain the observations between vb.net and vc#.net?


Observations between vb.net and vc#.net?


What do you mean by Redim in VB.NET?


What are the various open source tool available for VB.NET?


What is enumerator?


Compare c# and visual basic.net?


what is commom language runtime?