Name a feature which is common to all .net languages?
How to run a dos command in
List the different types of assembly?
hello thank you for replying to my question regarding adding barcode fonts in project. I have downloaded a free font and added in my project but now i dont know how to use that i need to generate barcodes can any body help me how to use those fonts these are font3of9 .i need a small code to use these fonts to generate barcode thank u!
Explain the use of new keyword?
Tell us how many languages are supported by .net?
What is the role of new keyword?
How to create a constant in
What is the main use of a namespace?
What are the advantages of and c#?
Explain the advantages of
what is commom language runtime?
described weak typing?
What is strong typing and weak typing?
Explain the difference between value and reference types?