Did vb6 support multi-threading ?
What is different between web.config and machine.config and where it will be ?
What is an application domain? how they get created?
What is the difference between Namespace and Assembly?
Name some of the features present in vb 2005?
What is vb.net used for?
How do you script this scenario in QTP using VB? Verify XML attributes in XML message against XSD and data mapping of fields to Oracle tables? Verify data in XML to data in a defined table?
What do you understand by vb.net?
What are the features present in vb 2005?
What is early binding?
Can we use Vb.Net and C# language simultaneously in one .Net application?
What is normal jit?
How to create a constant in vb.net?
Name some of the features of C# which are not present in VB.NET?
Explain manifest?