VB.NET Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is CLR?

Horizon Computers, Microsoft,

20 27385

What is the Difference between CLR & CTS?

3 22962

Trace and Debug belongs to which namespaces?

5 8157

ColumnMapping belongs to which namespaces?

1 4399

In order to get assembly info whcih namespace we should import?

1 6873

What is the DIfference between Friend and Protected Friend?

CTS, Sykes Enterprises, TCS,

6 36179

What is an abstract class?

4 7582

What is shadowing?


5 18073

What is the Difference between Overriding and overloading?

Subex, TCS,

31 89472

How do you declare static variable and how it is declared and what is its lifetime?


3 14309

What is the Difference between Dataset and Datareader?

7 28803

How does you get record no from 5 to 15 from a dataset of 100 records?


3 6855

What is the difference between Dataset and Recordset?

IG, Silicon,

7 30894

Why Datareader is useful?

5 9467

How does you call and execute a SP in .NET?

2 6411

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Un-Answered Questions { VB.NET }

Name some of the keywords used in vb.net?


What is the source code for display the picture in button click event?


Tell us how many languages are supported by .net?


Explain how to achieve polymorphism in vb.net?


How would you implement inheritance using vb.net?


hello thank you for replying to my question regarding adding barcode fonts in vb.net project. I have downloaded a free font and added in my vb.net project but now i dont know how to use that i need to generate barcodes can any body help me how to use those fonts these are font3of9 .i need a small code to use these fonts to generate barcode thank u!


Explain internal keyword in .net framework?


Can you please explain the difference between dispose and finalize()?


What languages does the .net framework support?


Name some of the features present in vb 2005?


Explain the difference between an xml "fragment" and an xml "document."


what is intermediate language?


How do you call a stored procedure in Visual Basic?


What is sorting in vb?


Is vb net a scripting language?