What is the asp.net mvc folder conventions? : asp.net mvc
Is asp net front end or backend?
Why should i prefer JSP over asp.net or any other web development language..??
Where is session cookies stored?
What is state management react?
How you can access the values from the Repeater control in ASP.NET?
Differentiate strong typing and weak typing
What is difference between session and application in asp net?
What is the importance of aspnet_isapi.dll, inetinfo.exe andaspnet_wp.exe in the page loading process.
1.can we add connection string in global.asax?????????? 2.what are the default files included when we create new web application????
Dataset is the disconnected environment. suppose if you are binding records to gridview (disconnected environment) and you are making changes to the the grid but before updating the database if any other user modify the data, how will you avoid such problem?
How is the asp.net mvc architecture different from others? : asp.net mvc
Explain how asp.net different from asp?
What is IPostBack? How to use it?
What are Master Pages in ASP.NET?