What are the different types of events are occured when a client requests an ASP.NET page from IIS server?
794What are the best practices to follow to secure connection strings in an ASP.NET web application?
Can I tap into other windows livetm services?
Explain a program using razor view engine to create a simple application? : asp.net mvc
What is the use of the tag in the web.config file?
Which method is used to force all the validation controls to run?
What is the purpose of using MVC programming pattern in ASP.NET?
6. Tell us about a time when you failed to meet a deadline. What were the repercussions?
How many validators do ASP.NET have?
What is difference between session and cookies?
Why do we need url encoding?
What is asp.net? How is it different from asp?
What is hidden field in asp.net?
Which property needs to be set for script manager control to extend the time before throwing time out expection if no response is received from the server?
Can we have multiple master pages in asp net?
What are the components of ado.net?
How many languages are supported by .NET at present time?