Suppose I have gmail account, I want to delete all the mails in my inbox having the same name(for eg., Orkut). I have thousands of mails like that. So, how can I delete all the mails having single name. Is there any option provided in gmail?
717Post New AI Robotics Questions
What are applications of expert system?
List some of the various tools used in robotics?
What is the degree of freedom in the robotics? How can it be determined?
What are difficulties in nlu?
What are industrial robots?
What is prolog used in artificial intelligence?
Stochastic hill climbing chooses at random from among the uphill moves; the probability of selection can vary with the steepness of the uphil1 move. a) True b) False
Which was the first industrial robot?
Specify the agent architecture name that is used to capture all kinds of actions. a) Complex b) Relational c) Hybrid d) None of the mentioned
What is meant by simulated annealing in artifical intelligence? a) Returns an optimal solution when there is a proper cooling schedule b) Returns an optimal solution when there is no proper cooling schedule c) It will not return an optimal solution when there is a proper cooling schedule d) None of the mentioned
What is computer vision?
What is ai? Why do we implement ai in the robots?
Why do we need technology intelligence?
What kind of behavior does the stochastic environment posses? a) Local b) Deterministic c) Ratioanl d) Primary
Which depends on the percepts and actions available to the agent? a) Agent b) Sensor c) Design problem d) None of the mentioned