What can operate over the joint state space? a) Decision-making algorithm b) Learning algorithm c) Complex algorithm d) Both a & b
1754What is the action of task environment in artificial intelligence? a) Problem b) Solution c) Agent
2159What is the expansion if PEAS in task environment? a) Peer, Environment, Actuators, Sense b) Perceiving, Enivornment, Actuators, Sensors c) Performance, Environment, Actuators, Sensors, d) None of the mentioned
1 5497What kind of observing environments are present in artificial intelligence? a) Partial b) Fully c) Learning d) Both a & b
2047What kind of environment is strategic in artificial intelligence? a) Deterministic b) Rational c) Partial d) Stochastic
1 3774What kind of environment is crossword puzzle? a) Static b) Dynamic c) Semidynamic d) None of the mentioned
2 7122What kind of behavior does the stochastic environment posses? a) Local b) Deterministic c) Ratioanl d) Primary
2465Which is used to select the particular environment to run the agent? a) Environment creator b) Environment Generator c) Both a & b d) None of the mentioned
1 2720Which environment is called as semidynamic? a) Environment does not change with the passage of time b) Agent performance changes c) Environment will be changed d) Both a & b
2171Where does the performance measure is included? a) Rational agent b) Task environment c) Actuators d) Sensor
1889Which is used to provide the feedback to the learning element? a) Critic b) Actuators c) Sensor d) None of the mentioned
1 6443The main task of a problem-solving agent is a) Solve the given problem and reach to goal b) To find out which sequence of action will get it to the goal state c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) nor b)
3150. What is state space? a) The whole problem b) Your Definition to a problem c) Problem you design d) Representing your problem with variable and parameter
2821The problem-solving agent with several immediate options of unknown value can decide what to do by just examining different possible sequences of actions that lead to states of known value, and then choosing the best sequence. This process of looking for such a sequence is called Search. State True or False a) True b) False
2014A problem in a search space Is defined by, a) Initial state b) Goal test c) Intermediate states d) All of the above
3873Post New AI Robotics Questions
What is the heuristic function of greedy best-first search? a) f(n) != h(n) b) f(n) < h(n) c) f(n) = h(n) d) f(n) > h(n)
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In A* approach evaluation function is a) Heuristic function b) Path cost from start node to current node c) Path cost from start node to current node + Heuristic cost d) Average of Path cost from start node to current node and Heuristic cost
Constraint satisfaction problems on finite domains are typically solved using a form of ___________. a) Search Algorithms b) Heuristic Search Algorithms c) Greedy Search Algorithms d) DFS/BFS Search Algorithms
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Consider a problem of preparing a schedule for a class of student. This problem is a type of a) Search Problem b) Backtrack Problem c) CSP d) Planning Problem
What is a microcontroller? What is the use of the microcontroller in the robotics?
. What is state space? a) The whole problem b) Your Definition to a problem c) Problem you design d) Representing your problem with variable and parameter
What do you understand by the term, the robotics?