In which of the following agent does the problem generator is present? a) Learning agent b) Observing agent c) Reflex agent d) None of the mentioned
1 4076Which search agent operates by interleaving computation and action? a) Offline search b) Online search c) Breadth-first search d) Depth-first search
2549What is called as exploration problem? a) State and actions are unknown to the agent b) State and actions are known to the agent c) Only actions are known to agent d) Both b & c
1 7776Which are necessary for an agent to solve an online search problem? a) Actions b) Step-cost function c) Goal-test d) All of the mentioned
1987When do we call the states are safely explorable? a) A goal state is unreachable from any state b) A goal state is denied access c) A goal state is reachable from every state d) None of the mentioned
3 6209In which state spaces does the online-dfs-agent will work? a) Irreversible state spaces b) Reversible state spaces c) searchable state spaces d) All of the mentioned
1470Which of the following algorithm is online search algorithm? a) Breadth-first search algorithm b) Depth-first search algorithm c) Hill-climbing search algorithm d) None of the mentioned
1647Which search algorithm will use limited amount of memory? a) RBFS b) SMA* c) Hill-climbing search algorithm d) Both a & b
2276What is meant by simulated annealing in artifical intelligence? a) Returns an optimal solution when there is a proper cooling schedule b) Returns an optimal solution when there is no proper cooling schedule c) It will not return an optimal solution when there is a proper cooling schedule d) None of the mentioned
1473How the new states are generated in genetic algorithm? a) Composition b) Mutation c) Cross-over d) Both b & c
3184Which method is effective for escaping from local minima? a) Updating heuristic estimate b) Reducing heuristic estimate c) Eliminating heuristic estimate d) None of the mentioned
2 5232Which depends on the percepts and actions available to the agent? a) Agent b) Sensor c) Design problem d) None of the mentioned
3764Which were built in such a way that humans had to supply the inputs and interpret the outputs? a) Agents b) AI system c) Sensor d) Actuators
1 5245Which technology uses miniaturized accelerometers and gyroscopes? a) Sensors b) Actuators c) MEMS d) None of the mentioned
1709What is used for tracking uncertain events? a) Filtering algorithm b) Sensors c) Actuators d) None of the mentioned
2429Post New AI Robotics Questions
Why do we need technology intelligence?
What is lisp?
Which environment is called as semidynamic? a) Environment does not change with the passage of time b) Agent performance changes c) Environment will be changed d) Both a & b
The main task of a problem-solving agent is a) Solve the given problem and reach to goal b) To find out which sequence of action will get it to the goal state c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) nor b)
What are applications of expert system?
What are the basic aspects of the robotics?
What is the use of the microcontroller in the robotics?
What is single agent pathfinding problems?
What is the degree of freedom in the robotics? How can it be determined?
How many successors are generated in backtracking search? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
What is a difference in robot system and ai programs?
What are the components of a robot?
What is servo controlled robot?
Explain the various types of industrial robots?
One of the main cons of hill-climbing search is, a) Terminates at local optimum b) Terminates at global optimum c) Does not find optimum solution d) Fail to find a solution