Group II History Interview Questions
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What are the main imported goods to India from the Western world during Gupta period

2 7866

What was the underlying idea of donating land during Gupta period

1 3851

Can you say that during the post Gupta period the king was not absolute owner of the land

1 3791

Why agrarian economy was increased during the post Gupta period

3 8544

What are the two important aspects besides caste system affected the social change in ancient India

1 4282

What are the three fold objectives or purusharthas of life

1 4894

According to Manu, marriages should be performed between whom.

1 3871

Which employment women did in Mauryan Government

1 4108

What is the important social significance of caste system

2 6551

What is main difference between Jati and Varna

2 11582

Where as, persons of a particular Varna could change their profession

1 3903

What is the system of Niyoga in ancient days as approved by Manu

4 16321

The famous Sanskrit poet Sri Harsa live in whose court and what was his famous writings

1 5127

Which is the capital of Rashtrakutas


5 14027

In which year did Sultan Mahmud Gazhani first invaded India

2 5017

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starting salary and oualification


Who is the 'The Conscience-keeper of the Mahatma Gandhiji'


the famous 'Pearl Mosque' was built by


hai sir, when will the group exams notifications will be opened?i am interested.


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I want to prepare for groups but am in USA where can i get material for preparing groups and what is the syllabus? I dont have any idea about groups.Can you suggest me any one.If anyone have soft material please send to me my mail id is


sir pls send me polytecnic previous question in english for ece..................


am doing my B-tech 3 year nd am n consfusion how 2 prepare for groups an dhow 2 start actually wether 2 go 2 istitution s beter r any thng else plzz any 1 jst help me na actually how 2 get complete information abt grps...


the famous book 'Annals of Rajasthan' is authored by


Dear all, Right now i am working pharmaceutical i have shifts system 10 hrs including travelling but i want get job through groups how it possible to me can you please suggest to me anyone


hai sir am preparing for group 2 exam can u plz inform wat material should i follow and any free websites are available for lerning group2 exam (related 2 indian history)


Hi, This is Sunita Iam an MBA graduate and interested in group 2 but do not have any guidance. I dont have time to take coaching as iam a mother of tripplets. Could any body guide me and send me some useful material in english and pervious exam papers and also pls let me know when the next notification for group 2 is likely to be released, let me know where can i get material aswell. Pls send me the group 2 material and syllabus and preparation plan and pattern to my mail id


Who is the Founder of 'The Asiatic Society of Bengal'


the council of the nine gems isasociated with


we want when notification release?