Explain me what is the difference between the “residual payment” and “partial payment” methods of allocating cash in account receivable?
580Post New SAP AllOther Questions
What do you do to ensure each project comes in on time and on budget?
What does "going live" mean?
Do you know what are variables?
Explain me what is the difference between sap basis and sap abap?
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Explain me how have you worked with the different functional areas to keep projects moving forward?
What is the process to create a table in the data dictionary?
Explain what should be the approach for writing a bdc program?
Do you know what is a company in sap?
Mention what are the different types of variables?
What is an internal table where do we use internal table with out header line?
Tell us what is meant by a “baseline data” in sap ar and ap?
Explain how can you find a list of all t-codes in the sap system?